Kuwi.org stands for
  • simple
  • tangible
  • impactful
  • non-profit
climate action

How it started

It all began at Gạt Tàn Coffee Shop in Hanoi. The owner offered a discount if customers brought their own mug. What a fantastic idea – every cup saved makes a difference!

With the money we saved, we wanted to give something back. We pondered, “How much climate action can we support with a few pounds?”

We decided to allocate our funds to a small NGO that can plant one tree for £1. This is how the idea to create a large-scale platform where people can easily invest in climate projects was born.

1,5 °C global warming is possible

For decades, we have been living beyond our means. We are utilizing our planet’s resources at a rate equivalent to 7.5 times a year, and it is imperative that we reduce our ecological footprint. The hope for a sustainable future lies in the rapidly growing awareness of climate change. What if all these individuals take action?

Currently, numerous climate solutions are available that, if adequately supported, could mitigate 30 years of carbon emissions, thereby preventing the release of 1,500 billion tons of CO₂.

Become a member

To simplify things further, we began offering memberships. This means you automatically contribute a small amount each month. Through your personal profile, you can track how your contribution is invested in a diverse array of climate projects.

Our primary objective is the reduction of CO₂ emissions, but we are equally dedicated to the restoration of biodiversity, the preservation of habitats for endangered species, and the cleanliness of our oceans.

How does it work?

We always ensure that you not only offset your own ecological footprint but also contribute a little extra.

This is how you lead a climate-positive life! Select your monthly membership plan here. For businesses, it’s advisable to get in touch with us first.

Impactful Climate Action


It is widely acknowledged that planting trees is one of the most effective methods for addressing the climate crisis and averting a temperature increase beyond 1.5°C. Trees also play a critical role in averting ecological degradation.

We collaborate with a range of excellent tree-planting partners who can responsibly plant thousands of trees each month on behalf of our community.

Carbon reduction

At Kuwi.org, we utilise your funds to endorse a diverse array of projects that can substantiate their greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

Every month, we back a selection of carbon reduction initiatives that hold the highest certifications from the Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard. Our funding strategy is rooted in the Project Drawdown framework.


Of every pound is directly invested in climate projects!



I’ve observed that numerous environmental organizations tend to take an opposing stance to the people, whereas I believe that greater progress can be made by standing alongside them. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a virtual coffee chat.

“If we don’t all row, the boat won’t move.”

Lisa Nguyen – director