Climate log







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Visualized CO2 reduction

The CO2 reduction of BESV is equal to one of the following

How is this calculated?
  • 0.2

    long-haul flights
  • 1 m²

    sea ice saved
  • The production of

    8000 glass bottles

🏛️ compendium

Discover the types of trees planted by BESV and the ecosystems they have supported.

In any project, a variety of species are always planted. The species highlighted in this section are exemplary but not exclusive. Frequently, the highlighted species are focal species or possess unique characteristics.

Supported habitats

Forests are so much more than oxygen factories. They are a place countless animals call home. Guided by the IUCN Red List, we strive to restore the habitats of these animals. Read more about it here.

Climate goals achieved

More about

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FAQ is a non-profit foundation based in Amsterdam.

We always invest 80% of every euro directly into climate projects. The remaining 20% is allocated for overhead costs. Any surplus funds within that 20% are earmarked for our continuity reserve.

For more information about our financial roadmap and goals, you can take a look at our annual reports.

Numerous studies show that supporting climate projects and offsetting CO₂ play a significant role in reversing climate change.

After industrialization, deforestation is the leading cause of climate change. While industrialization has increased the CO₂ levels in our atmosphere, deforestation reduces CO₂ absorption; the combination of these two factors has severely damaged the climate and ecosystems worldwide.

Started in 2017, we are still a small organization and just a small part of the growing movement of millions of people concerned about climate change. We believe that our organization primarily facilitates individuals and businesses who want to make a difference. People like you, and the companies that assist us, have together planted almost a million trees and captured over 800,000 tons of CO₂. Our impact is measured by how we spend money, and we see it as our core duty to do this as efficiently as possible.

For those reading this, we expect that they are above-average concerned about their footprint. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many people. The average CO₂ emissions per person vary greatly, from 2 tons per year for the environmentally conscious among us to 30 tons for the least conscious. For example, the average CO₂ emissions per person in the UK (5.5 tons) is three times lower than in the U.S., which is 15 tons per person.

Based on the above facts, we can say that planting trees is only a part of the solution. Small adjustments in your life can make a huge difference. It’s true, a few minutes less in the shower can make a big difference.

The collective impact you contribute to is verifiable through our reporting and compliance ledger. We maintain high standards for our planting partners and take responsibility and accountability for their performance. We take responsibility for the entire planting project from inception to aftercare, well into the future.

To ensure long-term success, we aim to work with the same organizations year after year. Through our internal playbook based on ISO 9001 and ISO 19011, we keep the team sharp on the pitfalls of long-term relationships and also take responsibility for the long term.

For CO₂ offset, we only purchase credits that meet the leading CO₂ standards, namely the Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard. We have an open-book accounting and open-office policy, so whether you are from the press, a customer, a supplier, or just a curious individual, you can always contact us for compliance-related inquiries via

In Nederland bestaat slechts 11% van het land uit bossen. Deze 11% is volledig in handen van de overheid of natuurbeschermingsorganisaties. Gelukkig is het kleine bos dat nog over is goed beschermd.

Natuurlijk willen we meer bossen in Nederland. De overige 89% van de grond heeft echter al een wettelijk vastgelegde bestemming. Het grootste deel is landbouwgrond (54%). Kortom, om meer bossen in Nederland aan te planten, moeten we de overheid overtuigen om meer oppervlakte als bosareaal aan te wijzen.

Lees hier het volledige artikel over dit onderwerp, in dit artikel vind je ook de petitie om meer land toe te wijzen als bosgebied. Als je het met ons eens bent, teken dan vooral de petitie!